Why Tracker Is Important For Your Vehicle?

why tracker is important for your vehicle

AlphaTrack GPS Vehicle Tracking System is the main key security tool that your vehicle requires at this moment.

Let’s start with your own vehicle in which you and your family travel a lot. The main significant feature of installing the AlphaTrack Tracking System in your car is to provide your family and yourself safety & security further keeping the car secure as well.

If you choose AlphaTrack Premier & the leading GPS Tracking services provider, we can help you not only with tracking but also with key features like Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Monitoring & Surveillance,  SMS Alerts, any activity attempted like ignition On/Off with calls to make sure your vehicle is safe.

A personal car or any vehicle that you carry means a lot to you & and one is a valuable asset. In Pakistan increase in the prices of vehicles makes it impossible for everyone to buy a new car where it puts an impact on the buying and management of vehicles due to inflation on the other side the potential threat of snatching & theft a rapidly increased.

To avoid theft there are multiple locks are coming and built-in immobilizers are now a part of 2020 models. But on the other side snatchers & thieves are becoming aware of unlocking the modern locks. In a different research, Vehicle theft & snatching stats are given below.


The police during the first 11 months of 2018 reported at least 21,972 cases of motor-vehicle theft while during the same period in 2018, the police had reported 17,353 such cases.

As far as the incidents of motor-vehicle-snatching are concerned, the police this year reported at least 3752 cases against 3,236 such incidents reported during the same period of 2017. (https://nation.com.pk/02-Jan-2020/record-rise-in-heinous-crimes)

Every year it is increasing day by day, Car theft & snatching are a daily routine matter now. And there is no strict government policy over the used vehicles insurance & tracker.

Whereas if you buy a new vehicle from Bank on lease or installment it is mandatory to get the insurance and tracker as a risk transfer strategy of the organization. It saves the risk of the vehicle owners and banks ultimately transferring to Insurance companies.

AlphaTrack GPS Tracking System is an advanced technology of Vehicle tracking system/Car Tracking which assures to keep your car safe and secure.

A tracking system is installed hidden in the vehicle and reports any activity performed over the vehicle at any time with SMS Alerts and call Alerts & you can check over your mobile application and a 24/7 surveillance team is sitting in the head office of Alpha Track to keep an active eye over your vehicle.

Vehicle/Car Tracker now the day has immense significance due to the rapid increase in theft & snatching. For example, you parked your vehicle outside your home at night and went to sleep.

It has been observed after research from the AlphaTrack Marketing Research Team that Thieves normally make theft attempts in the middle of the night between 2:00 am -4:00 am. We have analyzed the previous theft attempt data and came across to above observation. It helps us to stay more active on every single activity reported by the Vehicle during these hours.

If you have installed the AlphaTrack Advanced GPS Tracking System you will get an SMS & Call Alert if your car battery gets disconnected (Battery Temper), you will get an SMS on ignition (Start of Engine).

We have fenced your vehicle on your choice and as it crosses that boundary you will immediately get a call if it’s not you, we can kill the engine at the same time and you can report police. A tracker doesn’t secure a vehicle 100% but it covers the risk of 80% of vehicle theft.

Avoid Snatching:

AlphaTrack Advanced GPS Tracking System has the ability to secure your car in case of snatching. We install a panic button near your brakes or race side wall if there is a snatching attempt, instantly touch that button with your feet and it will alert us and the police immediately and you can be rescued along with your family by law enforcement agencies.

Tracker devices are not even more than 1% of the value of your vehicle in some cases but they cover the risk of around 80% and keep you, your family & your car safe & secure.

Alpha Track has a professional team with deep experience in the industry with our backbone which is our Monitoring & Surveillance team who makes sure that your vehicle is safe & secure with Alpha Track.

We recommend you install the AlphaTrack GPS Vehicle Tracking System today and secure your car with us.
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